Design for behavioural Change



Schlagworte zu diesem Event:   innovation

Delve into the realm of Behavioral Economics, where you'll explore essential tools and techniques. Learn to apply these strategies effectively, focusing on driving sustainable behavioral change. Throughout the program, you'll craft proposals aimed at reshaping user behavior, applying your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios. Collaborate with experts and peers, gaining invaluable insights and practical experience along the way.


Impact Certificate 

  • Duration: 9 Weeks 
  • Format: Online 
  • ECTS: 15 
  • Weekly Commitment: Approximately 10h 
  • Schedule: 1 Session/Week
  • Evaluation: Project Based


Target Group 

  • Product managers striving to understand the behavioral decisions behind unsustainable actions and drive sustainable design solutions
  • Sustainability managers looking to create positive social and environmental impacts by designing initiatives which facilitate behavioral change
  • Product developers aiming to master sustainable design principles focused on fostering beneficial social and environmental outcomes
  • Entrepreneurs who are driven to understand consumer behavior in order to develop innovative, impactful solutions which contribute positively to the planet and society


Behavioural Economics

Explore the psychological, cognitive, and emotional factors influencing decision-making. Behavioral Economics combines insights from psychology, sociology, and neuroscience to understand why people sometimes make choices that are not in their best interest, and how these choices can be changed to improve outcomes. Uncover key concepts of decision making, like loss aversion.


Sustainable Design

Learn to apply the fundamentals of Sustainable Design to create products, services, and systems that minimize negative impacts on the environment and society while promoting positive outcomes. Sustainable Design also takes into account the social and cultural context in which products and structures are developed, and seeks to enhance the quality of life for users while supporting local economies and communities.


Applied Change for Behavioural Design

Bring together your learnings from behavioral economics and sustainable design by solving a real-world challenge. By understanding how people make decisions, you can design interventions, products, services, and policies that encourage more sustainable behavior towards better choices, and ultimately improve outcomes for individuals and society as a whole.



  • Find problem-solution fit
  • Design User-centric prototypes
  • product market fit
  • Iteration & experimentation

Wann und wo?


Ort: Online

Preis: €1,950.00

Premium Partner