Prototype Impactful Solutions


Schlagworte zu diesem Event:   innovation

Acquire the skills and tools needed to develop solutions for market opportunities and test them effectively through prototyping and iteration. Learn to discover user needs, design and prototype products, and iteratively measure and improve towards product-market fit. From finding problem-solution fit to product-market fit, ensure your business idea meets demand and aligns with user needs.

Master methods to deeply understand and empathize with users, designing solutions that authentically address their inherent needs.

Delve into engaging challenges, learn from industry experts, and emerge with the expertise to drive positive change and elevate your career.


Impact Certificate

  • Duration: 9 Weeks 
  • Format: Online 
  • ECTS: 15 
  • Weekly Commitment: Approximately 10h 
  • Schedule: 1 Session/Week
  • Evaluation: Project Based 


Target Group 

  • Entrepreneurs aiming to develop impactful, data-driven products with a user-centric focus.
  • Product managers eager to understand user needs and develop problem-oriented solutions within their organization.
  • Marketing professionals seeking insights into user behavior and successful product development processes.
  • UX/UI designers dedicated to crafting intuitive, user-centric product experiences.


Customer Development

Address the critical issue of building something that customers truly want. Whether working with a real-world question from a practice partner, revisiting previous ideas, or leveraging an existing product, you will identify and interview customers to understand their jobs, pains, and gains.


Product Development

Building on the principles of problem-solution fit, focus on using evidence to ensure customers care about specific jobs, pains, and gains. Choose a real-world question, revisit previous ideas, or leverage an existing product to identify and interview customers. The outcome includes a comprehensive customer development report.‍


Measuring, Learning, Iterating

Focus on continuous measurement and learning about your prototype to iterate and improve the product even after the design process is officially "done." You will apply various methods to test your prototype, observe and track user behavior, analyze data, and derive insights for constant product improvement.‍



  • Find problem-solution fit
  • Design User-centric prototypes
  • product market fit
  • Iteration & experimentation

Wann und wo?


Ort: Online

Preis: €1,950.00

Premium Partner