Foundations of Climate Sciences


Schlagworte zu diesem Event:   sustainability

Gain a deep understanding of Earth’s ecosystems to effectively tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.

In our 3-Month Foundations of Climate Sciences program, you'll explore biodiversity, climate dynamics, and environmental science, equipping yourself with the knowledge to effectively address pressing environmental challenges. Learn to leverage nature-based solutions and science-based sustainable management practices to tackle environmental and social challenges, and promote long-term sustainability.

Our flexible online format allows you to balance work and studies while engaging with industry experts, preparing you to climate-related challenges effectively.


Impact Certificate

  • Duration: 9 Weeks 
  • Format: Online 
  • ECTS: 15 
  • Weekly Commitment: Approximately 10h 
  • Schedule: 1 Session/Week
  • Evaluation: Project Based 


Target Group

  • Sustainability managers seeking to go beyond carbon accounting and implement environmental initiatives with impact
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to develop science-based solutions which create environmental impact
  • NGO managers who wish to improve the impact of their organization by incorporating science and nature-based solutions
  • Environmental scientists looking to translate their understanding of natural systems into impactful solutions


Environmental Science

Gain an understanding Earth's fundamental systems to develop effective sustainable strategies amidst climate change and biodiversity loss. Explore the interconnectedness of Earth's systems, analyze ecosystems and evaluate the drivers of biodiversity to grasp the complexities of ecological dynamics.


Nature-based Solutions

Explore the concept of ecosystem services and their role in providing societal benefits, from sustainability and business perspectives. Learn how to utilize these ecosystem services to develop Nature-based Solutions (NbS) which leverage ecosystems to address social and environmental challenges.


Science-based sustainable Management

Understand science-based sustainable practices, beginning with a critical evaluation of historical and current sustainable practices. Explore tools for science-based sustainable management, and learn how to implement and monitor science-based targets effectively.



  • Understand climate and environmental systems
  • Evaluate and quantify ecosystem services
  • Develop Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
  • Science-Based Sustainable Management

Wann und wo?


Ort: Online

Preis: €1,950.00

Premium Partner