Online Impact MBA: Green Marketing & Innovation


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Elevate your marketing prowess with our Impact MBA in Green Marketing & Innovation. This dynamic program equips you to seamlessly integrate innovation, marketing, and sustainability, spearheading the transition to green marketing and driving impactful innovations.

Program Highlights

Market-Driven Innovations and Sustainable Strategies

  • Gain the expertise to catalyze market-driven innovations, redefine sustainable brand strategies, and influence consumer behavior toward more eco-conscious practices.
  • Transform your organization's marketing strategies with our MBA and pioneer responsible, sustainable business practices in today's competitive landscape.

Impact MBA Focus Areas

Green Marketing

  • Learn the core methodologies and strategies to market products that are environmentally safe.
  • Carve out the essence of an organization's offering and further its mission.
  • Explore a broad range of methodologies to transform an organization, including product modification, changes to the production process, or sustainable packaging.


  • Gain competencies to consider more sustainable ways of leading or building an organization.
  • Focus on the future with an emphasis on environmental protection and creating a more environmentally and socially equitable society.
  • Learn to create and maintain sustainable business models.

Responsible Innovation

  • Learn tools, processes, and methodologies to generate and implement innovations that change organizations from within.
  • Create strategies and products that positively impact life and the environment.
  • Focus on ethical and socially desirable marketing practices that engage all stakeholders.


Online MBA 

  • Duration: 12 months / 18 months
  • Format: Part-time
  • ECTS: 60 ECTS / 90 ECTS
  • Weekly Commitment: Approximately 10h
  • Schedule: 1 evening / week
  • Evaluation: Project Based



Learn the Skills for a Better Tomorrow, Starting Today

The business landscape of tomorrow demands innovative and solution-oriented professionals who can influence brands and consumer behavior towards more sustainable practices.

Impactful Brand Transformation

  • Deliver product marketing and consumer behavior strategies that lead to impactful brand transformation.

Consumer Behavior Analysis

  • Understand how to identify and leverage consumer behavior and biases towards green products and services.

Steering Consumer Behavior

  • Learn to steer consumer behavior towards sustainability, creating markets and brands that drive sustainable consumer practices.

Integrating Sustainability

  • Learn to integrate sustainability and social responsibility into business operations, using innovative marketing strategies to drive positive global impact.

Revolutionizing Brand Practices

  • Drive a revolution in sustainable brand practices, shaping consumer behavior for a more eco-conscious world.

Wann und wo?


Ort: Online

Preis: 10.500 EUR / 14.850 EUR

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